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Contact details (e.g. for questions about the order and returns)

[email protected] / +49 30 22011808

Place of business GmbH
Georges-Köhler-Str. 2
DE-79539 Lörrach

Managing Director

Lea Montini

Authorised representatives

Lea Montini, Frank Urech und Claudio Beffa

Commercial register entry

Amtsgericht Freiburg im Breisgau, HRB 721180

VAT number


Bank details

IBAN: DE24683400580286175500


Bank: Commerzbank, Lörrach

Beneficiary: GmbH, 79539 Lörrach

Responsible for the content

The author of the content (text, images, product information, etc.) is AG, Zurich, Switzerland.

General terms and conditions

Link to the general terms and conditions

Data protection

Link to privacy policy


The author assumes no liability whatsoever with regard to the correctness, accuracy, up-to-dateness, reliability and completeness of the information provided.

Liability claims against the author for damages of a material or immaterial nature arising from access to or use or non-use of the published information, from misuse of the connection or from technical faults are excluded.

All offers are non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.

Liability for links

References and links to websites of third parties are outside our area of responsibility. Any responsibility for such websites is rejected. Access to and use of such websites is at the user's own risk.


The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photographs or other files on the Website are owned or reserved by specifically designated owners. For the reproduction of any elements, the written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance.

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